Out of Control CRIME in San Francisco


In San Francisco a man was arrested after stealing a Muni bus in the Mission District on Friday evening, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) confirmed this to press.

The perpetrator, according to authorities, attacked the bus driver and damaged around ten cars until finally coming to a halt at the intersection of 19th and Guerrero Streets.

Hijackings Out of Control in San Fran

At approximately 7:53 p.m., the Muni bus was robbed at Cortland and Mission Streets. The accused then took the vehicle about 2.4 kilometers north to the intersection of 19th and Guerrero Streets.

The footage obtained by KRON4 depicts a Muni bus colliding with an automobile while performing a right turn. It’s fortunate that the bus contained no occupants when it was seized.

As per the SFPD, paramedics were dispatched to assist a second driver and the bus driver. Their wounds didn’t seem, to be critical to their lives.

The Situation is Way Worse Than Many Realize…

In August and September of this year, San Francisco police recorded a slight increase in both violent crimes and theft compared to the same previous year.

Although the gains were slight, they appear to dash expectations that the replacement of District Attorney Chesa Boudin would result in an instant effect on the city’s crime statistics

In all fairness to Boudin’s successor, Brooke Jenkins, she never guaranteed a rapid reduction in crime levels. Jenkins, who has been in government since July 8, declared in a message to SFGATE on Monday that they are moving in the right direction, but have only just begun.

The overall number of violent crimes increased by 3.1% from August 1 and September 25 of this year compared to the same period previous year, while property crime, including robbery, vandalism, vehicle theft, and larceny-theft, increased by 1%.

(September 25th is that last date for which statistics are available. Boudin served as president in 2020 and 2021.

The number of offenses documented in 2020 fell during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, when several companies collapsed.)

Crime Increases Under Jenkins

Ever since period last year, murders in the city have increased by the largest percentage, 20%, compared to any other sort of offence, but there have been many high-profile attacks in over the last weeks.

Robberies increased by 5.6%, while larceny-thefttheft, which includes retail stealing, increased by 4.5% and accounted for the largest number of crimes recorded at the police station. Jenkins has not yet made policy statements regarding retail theft, a problem that plagued Boudin’s administration.

The aggregate number of offenses declined from June to July as well as from July to August, according to crime statistics. However, during Boudin’s term, crime dropped over the summertime of last year.

Jenkins also suggested that more individuals may be disclosing crimes under her supervision. In the city, many property offenses go undetected.