GAY RIGHTS Case Has People on Edge at Supreme Court


Next week, we’ll see scenes from another gay rights case in the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS).

The case involves a graphic artist who is a devout Christian and opposed working for marriage websites for gay couples.

Leftists Line Up Against Web Designer

Liberal groups have begun to move in relation to this case. They say this is not an isolated case.

And that blacks, Jews, immigrants and many other groups of people suffer from discrimination and prejudice on a daily basis similarly to gay individuals.

For conservative groups, dictating who you should work for is going against basic American values and principles including the basic right to not be compelled to work for any other person.

Especially for people who work with arts in general, musicians and writers, this has become a very controversial subject.

Both liberals and conservatives see this case as a staunch decision of what is right and wrong.

This is the second case with the same character that the U.S. Supreme Court deals with.

Five years ago another businessman in Colorado refused to work for gay couples claiming too, that it would go against his religion to bake wedding cakes for gay couples. He lost.

What is Lorie Smith Charged With?

This time, the case seems to be more favorable to Lorie Smith.

Smith is charged with the crime of discrimination. She’s a young graphic designer from Denver.

Her situation now looks like it will be more successful.

On the jury there will be more conservatives and sympathetic to religious principles, being 6 to 3 in favor of right-leaning justices.

The American Civil Liberties Union presented the court with a document explaining the issue that Smith’s argument could generate more conflict between companies and customers.

That, in fact, considering religious foundation as a way of accepting certain jobs or not, treats to be an obscure and illegal way for companies to work with their clients.

It would be more legitimate, according to the Union, for companies to adopt clearer forms of work and to announce that they do not work for a particular group of people.

Weddings, Except Only For Straight Couples

Kellie Fiedorek, Smith’s lawyer, disagrees with the liberals’ claim and said that if her client wins the case, that doesn’t mean that this form of conduct will cause problems or prejudice in the business community.

Smith says she wants to start a wedding website company cut that her Christian faith does not allow working for same-sex couples.

This puts her at legal risk, as Colorado has a state law that states that companies that provide service to the public have to be adept at all customers in general.

If any company insists on violating state law, it may culminate in fines among other serious consequences.

Smith claims to be being forced to express and work with something she disagrees with. And she said Colorado state law violates the First Amendment of the Constitution.