Military Veteran Seeks Congressional Seat to Correct Biden’s Afghanistan Woes


    The making of history is on the verge of unfolding in the United States midterm elections in 2022. As it stands now, more military men and women who returned from Afghanistan under horrible circumstances are getting their feet firm in the political space. 

    Republican Cory Mills is the candidate for the Republican Party in Florida’s 7th congressional district. Cory Mills was formerly in the American army.

    Through his active years in the American army, he witnessed combat actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Eventually, he joined the Defense Department under the administration of former President Trump. 

    According to an interview with Mills, he opined the nation is currently running on a last-minute agenda. He went on further to state if the Biden administration can promote the nefarious influx of illegal migrants over nationals’ rights, it means all is not well with the nation.

    Also, America halted the Keystone XL pipeline at a time when Russia was building more pipelines. In his words, “these are things I don’t believe in any way constitute the American first agenda.” 

    Mills on the U.S Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Mills spoke extensively about the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan. He expressed he was horrified by how seamless it was for the Taliban to take over the country.

    Afghanistan had a history of aiding America during a war effort about twenty years ago. The sudden withdrawal is in no way the best means to protect a nation to whom America had an allegiance. 

    The full withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan puts the United States behind in terms of being a first-world country. Now, it is highly predictable China will try to fill the vacuum left by America in Afghanistan.

    There is also a likelihood of the Al Qaeda terrorist group regrouping; like before, if this happens, America will be a target. 

    What is Mills’ Political Drive?

    Cory Mills is new to the political space in America. However, his viewpoints about federal decisions seem to be because he wants better for America and the United States Armed Forces. 

    In addition, Mills commented that China and Afghanistan formed a deep-rooted alliance while American forces were leaving Afghanistan.

    While U.S forces were leaving the country, it was wrong for Biden to allow China to take over the use of the Air Force’s base. It was a China-made move with strategy. 

    For Mills, being a member of Congress would help enact some policies that would make the nation better. He detailed he wasn’t keen on leadership or who he may have to support in Congress.

    Mills just wants the nation to be better, and this might just be the beginning of the influx of American forces into partisan politics. 


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