Psaki Alleges Florida Law Ignores “Real Issues,” But Evades Questions


    The White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, faced the media and tried to avoid an important question.

    She was asked about Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education Law and she replied by saying it didn’t address any “serious issues.”

    Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy asked the question, and Psaki said the law didn’t address any “serious issues.”

    Questions, But No Answers

    Prior to Monday’s press briefing, Psaki had spoken out against the Florida law, calling it “horrific” and stating the law made it permissible to intimidate children who identified as LGBTQ+.

    Doocy followed up with a more specific question, regarding the actual substance of the law, during the briefing.

    Using the legislation as an example, Doocy inquired what age the White House considered such lectures suitable for pupils in kindergarten through third grade.

    Specifically, Doocy inquired what age the White House believes kids should be informed about their sexual orientation or gender identity.

    “Well, first and foremost, Peter, I believe we have spoken about the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill in the past, which I believe is what you’re referring to,” Psaki responded, referring to the law by its nickname.

    She did this despite the fact the word “gay” is not only not prohibited by the law, but it is also not mentioned at all.

    However, she did not explicitly answer his question.

    Psaki did, however, say when they look at this law, they believe it is a reflection of politicians in Florida who are promoting misguided, heartless policies that do absolutely nothing to solve the genuine concerns facing the state.

    She continued by saying the Department of Education is well-positioned and ready to review what should be done next and whether such implementation violates federal civil rights legislation.

    Parents around the country are looking to national, state, and district officials to assist the nation’s students and guarantee all children are treated fairly in schools; this is surely not a reflection of that expectation, according to Psaki.

    Evading the Question

    Doocy hit the button once more, making the inquiry much more obvious.

    He pressed about whether or not the White House supports classroom education concerning sexual orientation and gender identity in grades K through 3 and whether they oppose this bill that prohibits such information in grades K through 3.

    Psaki chose not to respond to the topic, instead inquiring whether Doocy could provide any examples of schools in Florida where this has been happening in recent years.

    “All I’m asking about is the president’s opinion,” Doocy responded.

    While Psaki didn’t directly address Doocy’s initial question, she did say, “I believe that’s an important topic.”

    “As a result, I believe this is a politically charged, stringent law that places parents and LGBTQ+ children in a very difficult and tragic situation. I believe this is a really significant question.”


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